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Home Blog Who are the apothecaries?

Who are the apothecaries?

Lunes, 8 de july de 2019

Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia...

The concept of an apothecary starts from far behind, since the word "apothecarius" comes from Latin and means shopkeeper or seller. But if we situate ourselves in an urban context, we find that in the 13th century cities are consolidated and begin to emerge the first "spider-bureaucrats" as such, responsible for preventing adulterations and activities harmful to health, even begin training to future professionals.

The authority of "mostassaf" was created in the 14thcentury, a municipal authority that controlled and inspected the food, drugs and compounds that the apothecaries made. Although it is not until the 15th century that the activity of the apothecaries and restrictions on the sale of medicines is officially established. Only the sale and preparation of medicines in specialized stores is authorized.

The publication in the 17th century of the "Pharmacopoeia Cathalana sive Antidotarium Barcinonense", standardizing the descriptions of the recipes throughout Catalonia, seemed to constitute a structure in this area, but the medieval apothecary professional model in the 18th century caused a transformation in the system, motivating the loss of power of the apothecaries' schools.

If we move on to the 18th century, we find ourselves with a changing professional model, that is, the contemporary pharmacist. This means that from generation to generation the apothecary model changes completely, until in the 19th century education began with the founding of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona in 1845, and the creation of the "Illustrious College of Pharmacists of Barcelona " was created in 1857.

All this expanded information, about pharmacists and with relevant historical details, we will find in the guided visits in the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia, founded in 1931, and currently located in the old Hospital of Santa Cruz, original of 1417.

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