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Home Blog Opening Mystery of the thousand and one Nights

Opening Mystery of the thousand and one Nights

Lunes, 6 de may de 2019

New Persian dinner at Palau Requesens...

Three elements: a mystery, jewel and criptex.

At the 16th century an important social activity was the marriage celebration among two persons of noble families, that is to say, seal alliances among families to assure one some power and future at a county or area.

This celebration also was an opportunity to show the economic power of the family at all the others other wealthy families, therefore it realised a special event with everything type of details.

In this framework arises the great matrimonial act among Isabel of Requesens and Ramón Folch of Cardona-Anglesona (sewed brother of viceroy Isabel). But the anecdotal is the gift that gets of the sultan Ismail I: a jewel.

This jewel of great economic and symbolic value presents like the big treasure of the palace at all the guests, representing a union between empires, and sending the best Persian dancers.

But the problem that arises at the ceremonial act is the disappearance of the jewel!

The doubts and distrusts at discovering which family invited has been, will do us research the crime! A discovery that only will be able to do looking for on the secret digits of one criptex and finding the missing jewel.

The activity will continue with a gastronomic experience at the context of the Persian epoch, with exotic dancers and dance of sabres at the Palau Requesens.

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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