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Home Blog Great Italian Movie Songs

Great Italian Movie Songs

Miércoles, 24 de july de 2024

A Musical Journey through Italian Cinema with Sternalia Productions


Sternalia Productions is pleased to announce an unforgettable event for music and film lovers: "Great Italian Movie Songs". This exceptional concert will take us through a musical journey that celebrates the most emblematic soundtracks of Italian cinema, performed by the great pianist Graham Lister, sung by the imposing voice of Facundo Muñoz and accompanied by the magical sound of the violin performed by Sergey Maiboroda. Reserve the date to enjoy an evening full of emotions, nostalgia and pure art.


The Masters of Italian Music

The Great Italian Movie Songs concert will include a selection of pieces by renowned Italian composers, who have left an indelible mark on the history of cinema with their unmistakable melodies.


Ennio Morricone

Recognized worldwide for his masterful soundtracks, Morricone is the genius behind the music of classics such as "The Good, the Milk and the Bad" and "Cinema Paradiso". His compositions have defined the spaghetti western genre and moved generations of viewers with depth and beauty.


Nino Rota

Rota is known for his collaborations with director Federico Fellini and for his work on the "The Godfather" trilogy. His music, full of life and drama, captivates hearts and minds, transporting us to the fascinating worlds it accompanies.


Ortolani rice

Ortolani began as a radio program conductor, but soon became one of the most respected film composers. His score for "Mondo Cane" earned him an Oscar nomination and established his reputation as a master of film music.


Nicola Piovani
Awarded an Oscar for his soundtrack to "La vita è bella", Piovani is another illustrious name in the world of film music. His melodies bring a unique emotional dimension to the films, capturing the essence of the accompanying stories.


Renato Rascel

Another giant of Italian music, Rascel is known for his songs full of charm and sophistication, such as the well-known Arrivederci Roma, from the movie Les Sent Colinas de Roma. His contribution to film music includes pieces that have enriched various productions with warmth and melody.


Matias Bazaar

This Italian musical group is known for their ability to combine pop and elements of classical music, creating memorable soundtracks that have accompanied numerous films and shows, see the amazing Vacanze Romane.


An Unmissable Event

The Great Italian Movie Songs concert is a unique opportunity to relive the emotions of the most loved Italian films through their music. The live performance of the soundtracks will allow attendees to experience the magic of these compositions like never before.

This evening promises to be a celebration of Italian art where music and cinema intertwine to offer us a rich and vibrant cultural experience. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the sound universe of the great Italian masters. See you there!

📅 *Date: 09/07/2024

📍 *Place: House museum Núria Pla

🎟️ *Tickets:


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#GreatItalianMovieSongs #Concert #Cinema #Music #EnnioMorricone #NinoRota #RizOrtolani #NicolaPiovani #MatiaBazar #RenatoRascel #SternaliaProductions

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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Company: Sternalia Productions, SL

NIF: B65662801

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