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Jueves, 4 de november de 2021
  • Dramatized visit during Dinner of the Enigma at Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia

Courses, theatre, sensory experimentation, historical recreation and music. A summary of our didactic proposal beyond the guided tours.

Everyone would agree that learning something new is always good. Now, there are many ways to learn and, fortunately, the idea that to learn you have to suffer (even out of boredom) is becoming more and more behind.

Our formula always goes with the classic guided tours, in which we try to balance with historical, scientific, artistic knowledge and curiosities, because the guided tour is one of the easiest ways to teach, but it is not our only proposal and, in the future, we hope to expand our range. In this article we have summarized the different proposals that we offer from Sternalia, so learning from our local heritage is different, fun and enjoyable.


- Fabra Observatory: Perhaps better known for our Dinners under the Stars than for our guided tours. What is often unknown is that we offer courses in astronomy and meteorology, both basic and practical and advanced. What better place to teach how to observe the universe than from an astronomical observatory?


- Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia: During the night visits we always offer dinners that are part of the experience, but the Dinner of the Senses of the Royal Academy of Medicine goes further. It is a sensory learning proposal. It's a dinner, yes, but who says you can't learn while eating? The same dinner plays with the senses and invites you to try and experiment new tastes. It is a way of learning especially from the sense of taste and smell. In the same space we also held the Enigma Dinner and, in this case, the proposal is radically different. During this experience the learning makes use of a magnificent very didactic resource: the theatre. Fun, entertaining and full of emotions. The best of all? The enigma! What learning can there be if there is nothing that makes us curious?


- Requesens Palace : Historical recreation is another fantastic educational resource to take into account. As long as time travel does not exist, historical reenactment carried out with scientific rigor is the closest way we have to learn by experiencing the past in the first person. Reenacting a medieval party night as Isabel de Requesens would have organized it is the way we have found to bring our past to the present day.


- Balmesiana Palace and Mas Ravetllat-Pla: In 1983 Howard Gardner published his Theory of Multiple Intelligences and considered Musical Intelligence as one of them. So, music is one of the protagonists both in the Balmesiana Palace and in the Mas Ravetllat-Pla of the Ramón Pla Armengol Foundation. In the first we enjoy with opera and at the second with Jazz.

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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Company: Sternalia Productions, SL

NIF: B65662801

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