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Home Blog The enigma and gastronomy return to the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia

The enigma and gastronomy return to the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia

Miércoles, 17 de june de 2020
  • The enigma and gastronomy return to the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia

The ‘Dinner of the Enigma’ reopens its activity to offer unique experiences surrounded by mystery at the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia, after the stoppage from March to June due to the health crisis of COVID-19.

This June 19th, you can enjoy the evening again, which is available on Fridays of each week. This dinner recreates the Barcelona of 1880 and asks attendees for their help in solving the enigma that lies behind the walls of this emblematic space in Barcelona.

A ‘COVID free’ enigma

In order to enjoy the enigmas again at night in this unique space, despite the exceptional health situation, the reactivation of the 'Dinner of the Enigma' will have all the preventive measures against COVID-19. The use of an own mask is mandatory and hydroalcoholic gel is available to attendees during the event. In addition, the capacity of dinners will be limited to guarantee the safety distance and the size of the visiting groups for the different spaces will be reduced. Menu cards have also been adapted so that they can be disinfected after each use.

Theater and gastronomy in an emblematic place in Barcelona

The activity begins at 8:00 pm, with a glass of cava that receives the attendees at the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia, a building with a long history built in 1761 and restored in 1927. This space has been key to medicine for the city: previously it had been the College of Surgeons and later the Faculty of Medicine of Barcelona, ​​until reaching its current function.

Next, the public assist to a dramatized visit to the building, accompanied by characters who convey to the audience the great enigma that lies behind the walls they are visiting and that the public must help solve. This mystery transports to 1880, a time when the city embraces modernity and where science and art play a leading role. Specifically, we meet on August 16th, 1888, when Dr. Vinagà opens the doors of the Old College of Surgeons so that controversial and extravagant Dr. Volkov will give a lecture on hypnosis as a substitute for anesthesia in operations.

To accompany the mystery, all attendees enjoy a dinner worthy of the great meetings of the late 19th century in the main room of the faculty. Will you be able to solve the case?


Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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Company: Sternalia Productions, SL

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