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Home Blog 17th edition of 'Dinner with stars' starts with all the preventive measures for COVID-19

17th edition of 'Dinner with stars' starts with all the preventive measures for COVID-19

Martes, 2 de june de 2020
  • Cena de Estrellas en el Observatori Fabra

The nights at Observatori Fabra are ‘warming up’ for a new edition of the traditional ‘Dinner with Stars’.

On June 5, this heritage site will come alive again during the kick-off of the 17th edition, to continue offering a gastronomy, culture and science combination in a 116 years building. For further peace of mind, the new season guarantees all the preventive COVID-19 sanitary measures, so that the current exceptional situation does not mean giving up an unforgettable experience. Dinners will be held as usual from Tuesday to Sunday, until October 4, the closing date of the edition.

Guaranteed preventive measures for a ‘COVID Free’ activity

To maintain safety and avoid the risk of contagion, attendees must make use of a mask throughout the evening, and hydroalcoholic gel will be available to them. In addition, observation with the telescope will require special glasses to avoid direct contact with the instrument.

Regarding the safety distance, the capacity of each of the location is limited to half of the usual, so that we ensure the two-meter distance between every diner. Visiting groups have also been reduced by the different spaces of the Observatori, to avoid the accumulation of people in the different areas and to guarantee wide and safe mobility.

An exceptional night full of experiences

The development of the ‘Dinner with Stars’ is similar to earlier years. The session starts at 8:15 p.m., with a welcome glass of cava or Moritz beer. Then, attendees will access the viewing terrace, where they will enjoy a dinner by chef Miquel Guimerà, offering a gastronomic proposalmade in detail for the occasion. The evening will follow with the spectacular views of illuminated Barcelona at night and under the starry sky, in an intimate and special atmosphere.

Once dinner is over, a 30-minute scientific outreach conference begins, open to questions, which delves into curiosities of the universe and astronomy. To complete the evening, the three main spaces of the Observatory Fabra are visited in groups: the museum, to learn more about the astronomical world; the early 20th century room and the telescope, located in the adjoining room; and finally the great dome room, where attendees can observe stars of the solar system from the great Mailhat refractor telescope, dated from 1904. It is one of the largest and oldest in all of Europe that continues to this day in operation. To end the evening, from the dome terrace, attendees can enjoy a 360-degree view of the city of Barcelona.

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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