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Domingo, 7 de april de 2019

Fabra Observatory opened the day april 7 of 1904

The day April 7, 1904 opened the doors of the Fabra Observatory, 115 years next continues his scientific and informative activity at the sections of astronomy, meteorology and seismology.

This historic value shows the innovative and ambitious project that represented for Barcelona's city. In addition to being a project that competed at international level with one of the best telescope’s refractors of all the world.

An important example is his code of identification at international level: 006.

This number establishes the “Minor Planet Center” for its International Astronomical Union, it’s an identification at each observatory that collaborates and routes information on recordings of asteroids. Nowadays there are thousands of observatories at all the world classified by a code of identification.

The codes began at categorize for numeric order until at the reach a thousand add the duality among letters and numbers. This means, that if we show us at the code of the Observatory Fabra, was the sixth observatory at international level at belonging at the Centre of Planets, but not the most ancient, since there was in front of him five observatories of other countries (as France and United Kingdom).

But the value is that of these five observatories, the Observatory Fabra is the first that still does work with the same centenarian telescope, whereas the other first five not operated his scientific activity or let as a museum.

Therefore, Barcelona is an international city referent in all fields, and at the astronomical also have the privilege to be able to enjoy of one of the most ancient observatories.

These 115 years coincide with the 16at season of the dinner with stars, like gastronomic and divulgate activity of the science.

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  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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